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Monday, August 2, 2010

The "Working" Of The Holy Spirit

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

Dorian J. Owens

For the past few weeks, the Lord has been speaking to us on various topics, from "Is This Real," to "Living In Today," to "The Nations: The Receipt Of The Holy Ghost," and SO much more! But yet, all of those WORDS have been speaking about the "working" of the Holy Spirit, and how He does His work IN US, by Himself (the Holy Spirit) instead of us "trying" to fulfill His WORD ourselves....

Too often, we in the Body of Christ look at life from the mindset that we are the ones that have to perform His WORD, instead of humbling ourselves to simply believe (receive) that the Lord does it all IN us and THROUGH us ("Faithful is He who calls us, who also will do it" (1st Thessalonians 5:24))! It is very, very easy for us to look at things from the former mindset because we have been trained to think that way when we grew up. But if we could simply RECEIVE (believe) the WORDS that the Lord has been speaking to us, over-against what we have seen or perceived, that really would provide a relief to our souls!

Let me share this with you. For just about all of my life, I have TRIED to do "His will." Sunday after Sunday, I would acknowledge the WORD, and get inspired, and make a determination or a "decision" in my heart that I was going to live right, or do something correctly, or avoid doing something bad. The "decisions" I made would work for a day or two (or three!), so I thought, but EVERY SINGLE TIME, my flesh would "catch back up to me." Then, I'd backslide, go back to doing what I did in the past, be condemned, and then find myself at the "altar" again, "repenting" for what I did. And the entire process would repeat again and again....

But, WHEN the Lord brought me here to Florida, I have to admit that LIFE actually did change for me! Praise the Lord for the "working" of the Holy Spirit! You see, I didn't "decide" one day to completely stop doing wrong, or "decide" within my heart to follow Jesus, or anything like that. In fact, I came to understand that it was not about "my decision" but rather "His decision" regarding me! The Lord began to open my understanding of "His working in me by the Holy Spirit" and "His Way" of working, LITTLE BY LITTLE, day by day. As the "Revelation of Christ in us" continued to be revealed to me through believing (receiving) the WORD, I ended up FINDING myself in the process of being "changed" over time! I didn't TRY "to do" or "not to do." Instead, I began to realize that the Holy Spirit was the One that confronted the thoughts in my mind (even ones I didn't even know I had!) day by day, little by little, to TRANSFORM my mindset into this mindset that you see in this writing today!

And that "TRANSFORMATION" (the focus of this writing) is what the Lord (by the "working") had PURPOSED to do IN US, from the very Beginning! So my friends, continue to believe (receive) the WORD that is going forth, as those WORDS will be "quickened" by His Spirit (the Holy Ghost) to affect the "transformation" of our daily thoughts, habits, and more into the Mind of Christ, which will provide us with relief, comfort, peace that surpasses all understanding, and much more, IN THE MIDST of whatever situations we face!   ~DJO

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